By using The Safety Navigator to Identify, Document and Manage Safety Plans which Encompass Measurable Objectives that will assure the Success of your Safety Plan, you are Actively Increasing the Safety Awareness of your Team and thereby Minimizing the Opportunity for Accidents to occur.

Your Solution For An Accident Free Work Place!


How Does The Safety Navigator Help You Avoid The Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Standards Found In OSHA Reviews?

As outlined by the United States Department of Labor at

OSHA's 2013 TOP TEN Most Frequently Cited Violations

1. Fall Protection

2. Hazard communication

3. Scaffolding

4. Respiratory protection

5. Electrical: wiring

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6. Powered industrial trucks

7. Ladders

8. Lockout/tagout

9. Electrical: systems design

10. Machine guarding

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